
Game-Changing Loyalty Technology

Integrating technology to amplify your business has become the need of the hour. Since the trying year of 2020, businesses have left no territory unexplored to fulfill the dire need of digitalizing. Hence, it’s safe to say that 2021 and beyond is all about discovering and adopting new and

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Finding Deeper Value For Customers

Every business craves to forge an unbreakable bond with its customers. In today’s economic climate, it has become more imperative than ever for businesses to find ways to increase customer value. To do this, we need to determine exactly what it is that customers want and provide them with

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Importance Of Loyalty Programs As Investment

Studies show that focusing on and enhancing customer retention by just 5% can boost your business profits anywhere from 25% to 95%. Still, organizations spend about 90% of their marketing budget on customer acquisition and do not prioritize customer retention. Considering our specialization in customer retention and our industry-leading expertise

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Bank Loyalty Programs: 4 Successful Examples (2023)

‍As digital innovation continues to revolutionize the banking industry, the way customers are being treated is changing. With the emergence of fintech, the banking industry has been challenged by new ways of thinking about the experience and loyalty of bank customers/account holders. To stay ahead of the curve, banks

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What Is A Referral Program?

All you need to know about a referral program ‍Have you ever thought about how much money you could make by rewarding your existing customers for spreading the word about your brand? You know that word of mouth is the best way to grow your business. But what does that

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What Is A Customer Loyalty Program?

Our guide to what is a customer loyalty program In today’s fast-paced digital world where every industry is thriving to go through digital transformation, acquiring customers and more over converting them to loyal customers are very real concerns. While customer acquisition will always remain the priority for most businesses,

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Build Strong Employee Loyalty

Do you know how we always feel that the grass is greener on the other side? Well, employee loyalty rewards programs are a way to stop your employees from thinking about your organization the same way. Employee loyalty just like customer loyalty, is a very wide term that incorporates many

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Loyalty Program And Impact On Customer Lifetime Value

In today’s dynamic market, the costs of marketing and advertising for your Brand are going sky-high. Also, you put endless efforts into acquiring new customers along with massive customer acquisition costs. This all will not reap many benefits if you are not successful in retaining your acquired customers. Also,

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Drive Customer Acquisition with Loyalty Programs

Interested in driving acquisition & retention? Discover how you can achieve with Giift loyalty platform.