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Integrating technology to amplify your business has become the need of the hour. Since the trying year of 2020, businesses have left no territory unexplored to fulfill the dire need of digitalizing.

Hence, it’s safe to say that 2021 and beyond is all about discovering and adopting new and innovative technologies to boost online businesses, to stand out from the crowd, and to explore full potential of the augmented digital world.

As per Webster’s Dictionary, Technology is defined as, ‘the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems ‘, and let us tell you that Loyalty Industry is doing just that.

In recent times, Customer Experience Enhancement is at its peak, and taking advantage of the vigorous technology has proven to be more than rewarding, especially when it comes to retention strategies summoning loyalty and reward platforms.

Nowadays, smartphones are a staple. With numerous mobile payment options, online payments have never been easier. Thus, came to life, Digital (Mobile) Wallets.

They are present at every stage of the sale enabling the brand, smooth acquisition of real-time data about who, where, and what of every transaction. This information further facilitates targeting customers with individualized content to improve customer engagement.

Top 4 game-changing loyalty technology

The top 4 game-changing loyalty technology are

1. Digital (mobile) wallets:

Nowadays, smartphones are a staple. With numerous mobile payment options, online payments have never been easier. Thus, came to life, Digital (Mobile) Wallets.

They are present at every stage of the sale enabling the brand, smooth acquisition of real-time data about who, where, and what of every transaction. This information further facilitates targeting customers with individualized content to improve customer engagement.

2. Beacon technologies

By inspiring maximum impact and effectiveness, beacon technologies provide a fresh outlook to the loyalty programs and allows them to be dynamic and more client-driven.

The beacons installed around the stores interact with the beacon technologies in your customers’ mobiles through Bluetooth connection and helps the brand to acquire information about their customers’ preferences and accordingly, personalized offers and promotions can be pushed to their mobiles.

3. Internet of things

IoT is an ever-evolving trend that has now pivoted into a necessity for all e-commerce businesses. It is a brilliant way to delve into multiple customer touchpoints by using devices that are already a major part of people’s daily environment.

It empowers your brand to accumulate real-time data from wide-ranging channels and collate them into a valuable source to achieve new peaks of personalization and customization for your revered customers.

4. In-app rewards

To have every resource at the tip of your fingers is the genius of mobile apps. Even when it comes to In-App Loyalty Dashboards, the customers can earn, burn, and enjoy their loyalty points all at once.

Mobile Apps are increasingly becoming the most preferred customer touchpoints. Hence, don’t you think that investing in a custom-made Loyalty App for your brand that engages your customers, seems like an absolute no-brainer. This can create a fun and engaging environment that eventually encourages increased customer interaction with your brand.‍


The takeaway here is that selecting the perfect technology that fits your Brand Proposition and integrates seamlessly with your existing system is a turnkey step. Oh, and we assure you that it can be a challenging task, but it can be a successful endeavour if you trust someone like us.

We at Giift, since inception, have been committed to crafting innovative loyalty solutions and disrupting the loyalty industry on a daily basis. Who better to take care of your brand than us?

We hope that we’ve shed enough light on the awe-inspiring cutting-edge loyalty technology to aptly emphasize that you need a transformation in order to cope with the modern-day dynamic industry. Now, the question is, when would you like to fully transform your brand into a Digital-Marvel of the new generation?

Our Loyalty Experts are always at the edge of their seats, wanting to help and they would be thrilled to hear from you. So click here and let’s have a conversation.

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